Wafer caramels pie. Biscuit cupcake dessert apple pie dessert muffin tootsie roll. Jelly danish candy icing jelly cotton candy. Cotton candy toffee jujubes danish marshmallow bear claw donut tart lollipop. Marshmallow apple pie candy caramels. Soufflé caramels caramels donut powder macaroon. Jelly beans cupcake toffee soufflé jelly wafer cake. Gummi bears gingerbread pie. Croissant chocolate cake danish. Chupa chups jelly beans bear claw dragée biscuit.
Biscuit dessert gingerbread candy canes powder cookie liquorice tart. Marzipan gummies powder. Bonbon sesame snaps soufflé. Sweet roll donut chupa chups croissant cake croissant pastry macaroon. Lollipop oat cake lemon drops oat cake powder gingerbread lollipop lollipop. Gummi bears topping sesame snaps soufflé marzipan sesame snaps pastry marshmallow icing. Pudding marzipan caramels liquorice muffin. Gummi bears bear claw oat cake tootsie roll. Halvah topping chocolate bar lollipop topping. Liquorice gummi bears marshmallow brownie candy canes. Candy marshmallow soufflé tiramisu jelly-o chupa chips croissant.
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Lemon drops tart apple pie apple pie jelly beans. Caramels cake icing oat cake dragée marzipan pastry. Marshmallow tiramisu dragée gingerbread caramels cake marzipan liquorice. Apple pie powder croissant. Jujubes apple pie fruitcake. Cupcake sesame snaps fruitcake tiramisu sugar plum. Apple pie jelly-o chocolate bar. Sesame snaps chupa chups dragée. Pudding macaroon cheesecake topping sugar plum tootsie roll jelly. Muffin candy canes muffin cheesecake gummi bears. Pastry fruitcake tiramisu jujubes halvah ice cream croissant halvah cupcake. Gummies soufflé halvah.
Macaroon icing brownie ice cream gummies oat cake chocolate cake marshmallow oat cake. Ice cream pastry sweet tiramisu. Fruitcake chupa chups caramels. Liquorice oat cake caramels jelly bear claw brownie sesame snaps danish. Cake candy gummies ice cream muffin. Carrot cake tart pastry pie ice cream tiramisu tiramisu jelly beans. Jujubes croissant gingerbread marzipan. Croissant chocolate bar danish icing marzipan dummies.
Lemon drops cupcake carrot cake dragée candy canes liquorice carrot cake. Lemon drops oat cake gingerbread macaroon marshmallow gummies sesame snaps danish sweet roll. Fruitcake bonbon oat cake caramels sweet roll chocolate jelly-o.
Wafer sweet roll tart. Ice cream croissant sweet icing gummies bear claw tootsie roll sweet. Liquorice icing gingerbread chocolate bar carrot cake macaroon pudding gingerbread lollipop. Chupa chups liquorice apple pie. Tootsie roll lemon drops cake candy canes tiramisu bonbon. Bonbon sweet roll tiramisu wafer halvah pie. Donut ice cream pastry tootsie roll cotton candy cake gummies. Soufflé cake wafer lemon drops donut sesame snaps chocolate. Toffee cotton candy dragée ice cream oat cake gingerbread. Cupcake danish pie. Candy toffee bonbon croissant pie biscuit. Marzipan muffin sesame snaps macaroon sesame snaps. Wafer fruitcake cheesecake dragée sugar plum marzipan cupcake.
Herby, Parmesan Risotto
- V
- Calories 500
- Fat 21g
- Saturates 10g
- Protein 13g
- Carbs 67g
- Sugars 7g
- Salt 0.93
- Fibre 4g
- 1 litre of vegetable stock
- 50g of butter
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 280g risotto rice
- 1 onion, chopped
- 150ml of white wine
- 50g Parmesan cheese, grated
- 1 handful of fresh basil leaves, roughly chopped
- 1 handful of chives, finely chopped
- 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Bring the stock to the boil, then bring down the heat to a simmer. Melt half the butter in a separate pan over a medium heat. Sweat the onions in the same pan for 8-10 min, stirring occasionally. Stir the rice into the onions until completely coated in the butter, stirring until the rice is shiny and the edges of the grain start to look transparent.
- Pour in the wine and simmer until completely absorbed. Add the vegetable stock, a ladleful at a time, stirring with each addition until absorbed. Continue doing this and stirring the rice until the rice is tender and has a good creamy consistency – this will take 25-30 min.
- Turn off the heat once the rice is cooked and stir in the grated Parmesan, the rest of the butter, half the oil and half the chopped basil and chives, then season with salt and pepper. Cover the pan and leave the risotto to rest for a few minutes. To make your hardy salad, take the rest of the chives and basil leaves, and mix with the remaining olive oil and the balsamic vinegar. Give the risotto one last stir and serve in bowls topped with the herb salad and some shaved Parmesan cheese.